What is Last pass, How to use it?

Hello friends, hope you are in Kushal, again and again, you have come with new tune, hope you enjoy tune. One thing that I'm going to tell you today is a browser plugin. The name of the plugin is the last pass. Trying to show the functionality of this plugin step by step.

We are opening accounts in different furam, blogs and websites for those online users who have their different information. For security, we use different passwords, but at one time we forget them. Later retractions of these passwords are very difficult and time-consuming. The best way to get rid of this trouble and harassment is by using the best and easiest method. Let's start the process.

First, go to this link and open a free account. Then add extension for the browser from the last pass site. Then log in with the user ID and password. Extension only for Website, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari web browsers.

Then go to Manage and set a master password. Add your most needed sites.The most important part of this app is to share user ID passwords (with the permission of course) and save more than one account's password on one account. Keep password safe for life.

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