How to getting avoid getting hacked..!(must read,Security tips)!!
Hello learners how are you all? Today i want to tell you something New about your security,Hope you must enjoy this post...lets move to main topics.
Open Source and User Friendly WordPress is the world's most popular content management system. Another reason for its popularity is that it is a CMS that allows you to easily create a technical knowledge of any type of website, whether it's blog, e-shop or learning management system.
But because of the open source, its source code is in front of everyone. So hackers can easily find WordPress security bugs. So if you use Wordpress then you have to think a little bit about WordPress security. If you follow the following 10 methods, you will have to be fairly protected from these security bugs.
Security tips for avoiding index hacking
10 WordPress Security Tips to Avoid WordPress Site Hacking
1. Do not use the username 'admin'
This is the only work done by those who are new to WordPress. But this is the name of the huge number of sites in the world that is the username. Because of the previous versions of Wordpress it used to be the default username. Although I do not agree to hackers who use those hacks, they do not agree. However, many sites are hacked every year due to the use of this username only. So there's nothing to avoid here.
2. Use the login lockdown system
Website hackers are a favorite hacking system, brute force. Where they are trying to log in using only a number of possible usernames and password combinations on the website. It may be impossible to hack this way to you. But it is very straightforward to them. Because they use different software to perform this task, which can run very few (even thousands of hours) log-in stamps very fast. And this type of system can be tried again and again by hacking any such site. Hackers have hacked several sites even by using a dictionary attack (meaning some users and pass combinations that are widely used worldwide). Now how are you living? Follow the simple method. Place the login limit on the site. That means if someone tries to log in more than 3 times but is not successful, he might see a CapeTa code next time. Or its IP will be blocked. There are several reliable plugins that you can do with this.
3. Visitor is not required to hide such information
There is a lot of information that is shared on wordpress site but there is no need to know which visitors are. But sharing some of these information is dangerous for you. For example, WordPress version. There are many plugins to hide such information.
4. Remove the wp-config.php file
Let's introduce wp-config.php to those who are not aware of WordPress back-end. This is a file in the WordPress root directory that connects the database to your WordPress directory. Here is the name of your WordPress related database, username, password, server, table name etc. This means that if someone goes to the file, they can access and change anywhere on your site. So remove your wp-config.php file from the root directory of WordPress and move it to another folder. There will be no problem with WordPress. Wherever you are, WordPress will find it. However, this feature is not available in previous versions of WordPress 2.6.
5. Change the table prefix
Normally when you install WordPress, its prefix of table is wp_. Which is mentioned in your wp-config.php file. Since it's open source, so if you put it in the prefix, the hacker already knows what the prefix of your tables is. So if you want to live here, change your table prefix to wp-config.php before installing WordPress.
6. Use the Secret Key
When you open the wp-config. php file, you will see the following 4 lines.
Open Source and User Friendly WordPress is the world's most popular content management system. Another reason for its popularity is that it is a CMS that allows you to easily create a technical knowledge of any type of website, whether it's blog, e-shop or learning management system.
But because of the open source, its source code is in front of everyone. So hackers can easily find WordPress security bugs. So if you use Wordpress then you have to think a little bit about WordPress security. If you follow the following 10 methods, you will have to be fairly protected from these security bugs.
Security tips for avoiding index hacking
10 WordPress Security Tips to Avoid WordPress Site Hacking
1. Do not use the username 'admin'
This is the only work done by those who are new to WordPress. But this is the name of the huge number of sites in the world that is the username. Because of the previous versions of Wordpress it used to be the default username. Although I do not agree to hackers who use those hacks, they do not agree. However, many sites are hacked every year due to the use of this username only. So there's nothing to avoid here.
2. Use the login lockdown system
Website hackers are a favorite hacking system, brute force. Where they are trying to log in using only a number of possible usernames and password combinations on the website. It may be impossible to hack this way to you. But it is very straightforward to them. Because they use different software to perform this task, which can run very few (even thousands of hours) log-in stamps very fast. And this type of system can be tried again and again by hacking any such site. Hackers have hacked several sites even by using a dictionary attack (meaning some users and pass combinations that are widely used worldwide). Now how are you living? Follow the simple method. Place the login limit on the site. That means if someone tries to log in more than 3 times but is not successful, he might see a CapeTa code next time. Or its IP will be blocked. There are several reliable plugins that you can do with this.
3. Visitor is not required to hide such information
There is a lot of information that is shared on wordpress site but there is no need to know which visitors are. But sharing some of these information is dangerous for you. For example, WordPress version. There are many plugins to hide such information.
4. Remove the wp-config.php file
Let's introduce wp-config.php to those who are not aware of WordPress back-end. This is a file in the WordPress root directory that connects the database to your WordPress directory. Here is the name of your WordPress related database, username, password, server, table name etc. This means that if someone goes to the file, they can access and change anywhere on your site. So remove your wp-config.php file from the root directory of WordPress and move it to another folder. There will be no problem with WordPress. Wherever you are, WordPress will find it. However, this feature is not available in previous versions of WordPress 2.6.
5. Change the table prefix
Normally when you install WordPress, its prefix of table is wp_. Which is mentioned in your wp-config.php file. Since it's open source, so if you put it in the prefix, the hacker already knows what the prefix of your tables is. So if you want to live here, change your table prefix to wp-config.php before installing WordPress.
6. Use the Secret Key
When you open the wp-config. php file, you will see the following 4 lines.